Arctic Cat Cup Magazine English Edition Issue 4 2013 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Arctic Cat Cup Magazine English Edition

Issue 4 2013

Veröffentlicht am in "Autos – Besonderheiten, Wintersport", Sprache — English. 50 Seiten.
It´s finally time for Arctic Cat Cup 2014, Europe´s biggest and oldest snowcross competition. We take trip down memory lane through 41 races and make some predictions on the 42nd race. Meet Max Lemnert who enters Junior class after a couple of years in the 150 gold helmet... class. And exactly what is the 150 gold helmet class? We make a visit at Bengans and Stigs Maskin. The Boss, Johan Olofsson, talks about this years competition. And of course Arctic Cat Cup News. Mehr anzeigen