Asian Diver and Scuba Diver No. 2/2016 Volume 141 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Asian Diver and Scuba Diver

No. 2/2016 Volume 141

Veröffentlicht am in "", Sprache — English. 132 Seiten.
Magical, mystical, miniature – seahorses are the stuff of legend, and critters that even the most experienced diver never tires of seeing. With ADEX 2016 dedicated to seahorses, Asian Diver’s Big Blue Book is the complete guide to these amazingly unique, yet threatened... , little creatures! From ancient legends to their amazing anatomy and gender-bending behaviour, from where to find them and how to dive with them when you do, to their conservation status and how new species get their names, pl Mehr anzeigen
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