Current Pedorthics |  September-October 2013 | Vol.45, Issue 5 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Current Pedorthics

| September-October 2013 | Vol.45, Issue 5

Veröffentlicht am in ", Gesundheit & Fitness", Sprache — English. 84 Seiten.
1) A Tale of Two Pathologies: A New Case Study of Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV): Surgical Options (Part 3) 2) Conference Boot Camp! How to Get the Most Out of Your Conference Attendance and Experience 3) Motion as Medicine: Do Patients with Osteoarthritis Need Stability or Mobility? 4) Current Healthcare Economics and Market with Positive Response from the VA Perspective. 5) Always Jump at a Professional Invitation! My Nora Systems Workshop Opportunity. And More... Mehr anzeigen

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