Eco-Rom Ambalaje Magazine Issue No.12 May - July 2014 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Eco-Rom Ambalaje Magazine

Issue No.12 May - July 2014

Veröffentlicht am in "Wissenschaft", Sprache — English. 20 Seiten.
Summary: - ECO-ROM AMBALAJE TURNS 10 - Success with Eco-Rom Ambalaje, A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL ECONOMY; - RECENT EUROPEAN STUDY SUPPORTS CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Ecollect - A National First with Great Results - WHAT WE RECYCLE MATTERS! Danone Romania Partners with Eco-Rom Ambalaje; - Rio Bucovina and Eco-Rom Ambalaje,together for Separate Collection and Packaging Waste Recycling Mehr anzeigen

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