Hip-Hop U - Multimedia Magazine January 2014 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Hip-Hop U - Multimedia Magazine

January 2014

Veröffentlicht am in "Musik, Andere", Sprache — English. 32 Seiten.
Hip Hop U (HHU) is a Digital Multimedia Magazine about you: the Hip Hop Generation. It is the embodiment of everything that you define Hip Hop, from music to style. In this issue (January 2014), we highlight the controversy about Hip Hop and The Illuminati: Fact or Fiction... ? What is this Illuminati, what's the history behind it, and is there any truth to the allegations behind artists like Jay-Z, Lil' Wayne, Beyonce, Rhianna and others being members or involved in it? Mehr anzeigen
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