Outlook Hindi Outlook Hindi, 26 February 2018 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Outlook Hindi

Outlook Hindi, 26 February 2018

Veröffentlicht am in "Allgemein", Sprache — Hindi. 76 Seiten.
Cover story is based on general budget 2018-19. Ajeet Singh is analysing the political as well as economical aspect of it. Views of Kuldeep Kumar, DR.T. Haq, Santosh Mehrotra, Dr. Narendra Gupta, Dr. Ashwini Mahajan and Jayti Ghosh are also in this package. Jaysankar Gupta... is analysing on ‘one nation one election’ theory given by Primeminister Narendra Modi. The result of byelection in Rajsthan is against Bjp. Narayan Bareth is presenting the picture of state af Mehr anzeigen
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