TDM - KickOff Edition - Low version.pdf Jul. 2014 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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TDM - KickOff Edition - Low version.pdf

Jul. 2014

Veröffentlicht am in "Lokales & Regionales, Allgemein", Sprache — English. 14 Seiten.
"Absolutely FREE and incredibly addictive" Welcome to the #KickOffEdition of Tiwa DigiMAG- Afirca's first digital magazine. Totally FREE and hugely addictive. This digital magazine is being positioned to reorient Africa through mobile journalism. We employ the latest... technologies in creating, exhibiting, distributing out contents. Our editorial team comprises of the some of best hands that journalism has got to offer, pulled from every part of Africa. Enjoy Mehr anzeigen
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