The Vintage Eye Issue 16 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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The Vintage Eye

Issue 16

Veröffentlicht am in "Völker & Kultur, Völker & Kultur", Sprache — English. 74 Seiten.
This month: Charlie Hightone; the Spanish cat gets all rockabilly with VEMag. We reveal Dita Von Teese's new book. We focus on the secret war at Picture Post, Best music venues in London, vintage looks, electro swing, The Basement, Revolution of the TeddyBoy, the history of... the jive, vintage jobs and careers. Vintrage rock and roll and rockabilly events, dance, rock and roll weekenders, review on the classic car motor show at NEC, Birmingham, bands, looks and vintage style for him and her. Mehr anzeigen
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