TRAVERSE Issue 13 - August 2019 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Issue 13 - August 2019

Veröffentlicht am in "Motorräder, Welt", Sprache — English. 116 Seiten.
TRAVERSE issue 13; we're off to Australia at opposing ends of the country (Mt Buller and the Kimberley), Johs Lund Larsen takes us through Africa, we're in Nepal with Stewie McLean, Guillermo MacLean takes us looking for faith in Spain, we see the eclectic clatter that is Japan with Andy Davidson. We take on the Silk Way Rally, go to Motorrad Days, we prepare for the Frontline Safari, look at the roof top of the world, set landspeed records in Bolivia and take an adventure with autism … Mehr anzeigen
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