TRAVERSE Issue 17 - April 2020 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Issue 17 - April 2020

Veröffentlicht am in "Motorräder, Welt", Sprache — English. 128 Seiten.
Eat, Drink Vodka; a scooter, sidecar take on Siberia. It's all a little fun and inspiration for when times are tough with Coronavirus-itus. We have the GS Trophy in the other land down under. We see why a wife was sent away by Google, whilst the husband rides Spain. We get a... history lesson on the road from France, meet a fellow named Goofy in Nepal, bare our bums in the name of 'glamping' in the Australian outback, and discover the secrets of mysterious Borneo, plus loads more ... Mehr anzeigen
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