TRAVERSE Issue 22 - February 2021 Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Issue 22 - February 2021

Veröffentlicht am in "Motorräder, Welt", Sprache — English. 128 Seiten.
There's plenty going on in issue 22 of TRAVERSE; new bikes, new gear and new places. Marta Zajchowska & Lukasz Gorniak tell us what it's like to be 'trapped in paradise'on the Arabian Peninsula, Greg & Ela Kedzior take a Harley ride through the USA & Canada, and there's some very different regions of Australia. We speak with Amanda Phoenix, look at Laia Sanz's Dakar, and check out an old BMW airhead. There's news, reviews and plenty more ... TRAVERSE issue 22 Mehr anzeigen
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