White Papers Value Study: Investing in ETRM / CTRM in Turbulent Zum Anzeigen klicken
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Value Study: Investing in ETRM / CTRM in Turbulent

Veröffentlicht am in "Web & Computer", Sprache — English. 8 Seiten.
The only constant is change echoes an astute observation by the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, some 2,500 years ago. Those of us who are engaged in the world of commodities are continually reminded of the accuracy of his observation, particularly recently, as commodity... prices collapsed led by crude oil. In fact, our industry is continually impacted by changes in the regulatory environment, supply/demand balance, global economic environment, technology developments, political intervention and mor Mehr anzeigen
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Tags: oil · trading · ctrm · etrm · commodities