American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette Vol42 I4 Click to read
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American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette

Vol42 I4

Published on in “, Pets & Animals”, language — English. 70 pages.
LENNOX’S “G/C I” LOOKY YONDER” Owned by Amanda Clanin Centerfold – If you submitted a photo you’re going to want this issue! A Different Mode of Conditioning – By Jacki Wakefield-Jones A Thought or Two About Cloning – By Gary J. Hammonds Sportsmanship & Family – By Heather DeVito Armoring – By Bob Stevens Interview with Noelle Nasca – Interview by Andy Seguess Overcoming Every Obstacle – By Hai Truong The Outlaw Breed – By Richard Stratton Show Calendar Show News First Weight Pull Ace Europe More
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