August 2021 Volume 46 Issue 1 Click to read
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August 2021

Volume 46 Issue 1

Published on in “, Pets & Animals”, language — English. 74 pages.
Renaissance Man - Richard Stratton pg. 05 Reiki Rapture pg. 11 More Ramblings from the Catch Dog Man pg. 17 In Memory .pg. 21 The Texas Showdown .pg. 22 Gone But Not Forgotten pg. 24 Weight Pull Junior Handler Spotlight pg. 26 (Some of) ADBA’s Sanctioned Judges pg. 27 Ronnie Duhon pg. 28 America’s Top Dogs pg. 30 ADBA’s All Time Greatest pg. 40 Point Standings pg. 43 Ch/Ace/TD Spotlight pg. 54 More
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