SUP Mag UK April 2018 issue 16 Click to read
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April 2018 issue 16

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 100 pages.
McConks commentary First foil flight tips-Matt Barker-Smith Bill Bailey: the calm paddler SUPtastic Scotland-Steve Williams Behind the brand-Redwoodpaddle’s Chris Defrance Iceland SUP-Manuela Jungo Anglesey guide-Roger Chandler Arctic SUP-Kari Schibevaag SUPing from a tallship-Paul Hyman Pick on plastic-Paul Hyman Profile-Mike Owens Interview-Erik Antonson SUP knowledge-Tony Bain Sunrise SUP-Tez Plavenieks SHAC attack-Scott Innes Wilderness women-Helen Percival Gear Shed More
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