SUP Mag UK April 2023 issue 36 Click to read
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April 2023 issue 36

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 102 pages.
Paddleboarding for good-Jo Moseley; Scotland Ocean Nation-Cal Major; Supjunkie reporting on GBSUP; All in your hands-Scott Warren; ShePaddles - Sarah Blues and Julie Kelly by Emma Love; SUP & cook-Caroline Dawson; Budapest or bust by John McFadzean; Q&A SUP Shropshire; SUP surfing vs SUP foiling; WW SUP on the Wye ; Belgian SUP top 5 spot; Q&A SUP hub northern ireland; Q&A Sancha Myall; Conversation with Jack Somerville; The Gower Lumenator event-by Stuart Gammon; Gear Shed More
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