SUP Mag UK April 2024 issue 40 Click to read
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April 2024 issue 40

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 102 pages.
Q&As with… Jess Ashley, Brendon Prince, Anthony Ing & Bruno Hasulyo; Behind the brand-Andy McConkey; Coaching by Andy Burrows -Downwinding & wide boards. The Trent100-Patrick Cruywagen; SUPjunkie reporting; The GlaGla UK-GBSUP reporting. Meet the designers SUP calamity-Steve Wise. mini guides-Pembrokeshire, Wales & North Finistere, France; Jo Moseley-Paddleboarding for good & Men’s Mental Health; NEW Paddle UK feature; Cold Water Shock and how to prevent it? Become a SUP White Water Leader More
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