SUP Mag UK August 2019 issue 22 Click to read
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August 2019 issue 22

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 101 pages.
The bicycle of water by Corran Addison. Fit for the wave by Pauline and Dirk Herpel. The salt life - Mark Salter interview. SUP neck syndrome by Elaine Farquharson. Acceptance with Real Surfing’s Steve Halpin. Team Pye by Sarah Thornely of Supjunkie. Fighting plastic by Paul Hyman. Paddling the strait - Gibraltar to Africa in record time. 10 lakes in 10 days. By Julia Kaffka and Anja Mörk. Winging it - First time run of the Naish Wingsurfer. Gear Shed More
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