SUP Mag UK August 2023 issue 38 Click to read
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August 2023 issue 38

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 102 pages.
Guide for SUP with kids-Dale Mears; Thames tandem record-David Haze; SUP & wing foil-Tez Plavenieks; SUP for Cystic Fibrosis-Marc Cotterill; Isle of Man to Seascale-Adrian Angell; The Great Glen-Sancha Myall; Norwegian 3 fjords-Elaine Farquharson; Q&As with…Ana Teubler, Kim Barnes, Brendon Prince (Above Water charity), Niki Clarke (My Black Dog charity); SUPJunkie GBSUP reports; ShePaddles interviews: Emma Love speaks to Helen Russell & Savanna Gude; Paddleboarding for good-Jo Moseley More
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