SUP Mag UK June 2017 issue 13 Click to read
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June 2017 issue 13

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 119 pages.
Antarctic SUPing by Meghan Roberts; SUP yoga by Emma Wall; Fun on Florida's Gulf Coast by Peter Tranter; Return to ‘Nam by Mark Rose; Throwing it back to the 80s by Sylvain Demercstel; Lady of Avenel SUP by Paul Hyman; Airton Cozzolino profile; PFD use by Tony Bain; Training for SUP by Bruce Dyer; Moroccan vibes by Dave Adams; Behind the brand Svein Rasmussen of Starboard; Wild education by Joan McFadden; SUP pro - Vinni Martins by Axel Reece; Fuerteventura by Tez Plavenieks; Comparison review More
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