SUP Mag UK November 2021 issue 31 Click to read
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November 2021 issue 31

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 108 pages.
Stateside chat-Kristin Thomas Supjunkie reporting-Sarah Thornely The Long Paddle finale-Brendon Prince Central lockdown-Chris Kenyon Tropical SUP-Tez Plavenieks Charlie Head Q&A-Supjunkie WW conversations Louise Royle & Joyce Johnston 100 miles and 13 lakes-John Waynforth WW SUP’s strange world-Corran Addison Injury free SUP-Leanne Bird Catching waves-Scott Warren Jersey groms-Verity Thomas Impacting seals-Steph Barnicoat Behind the brand-with Steve Kirk Gear Shed More
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