SUP Mag UK October 2016 issue 11 Click to read
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October 2016 issue 11

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 100 pages.
Behind the brand - Loco’s Joe Thwaites; Bermuda by Simon Winkley; Workout on water by SUP Fit; Paddle against plastic by Cal Major; Swiss mountain lakes by Thomas Oschwald; 11 Cities Tour by Wilma Zwikker-Killgallon; 11 Cities Tour interview with Siri Schubert; Interview with Ben Pye; Surf Snowdonia - Fatstick check out the experience; Corsica Tahiti encounters Italy by Mathieu Foilard; BSUPA SUP series Watergate Bay finale; Loco comparison - Amigo and Aztec; Gear Shed and SUPM Directory More
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