SUP Mag UK October 2019 issue 23 Click to read
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October 2019 issue 23

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 102 pages.
Old sport… New sport-Andrea Richardson & Sarah Thornely; SUPing Oslo-Dirk Herpel; Club profile SUPer Whale-Anna Nadolna; Jurassic coast-Elaine Farquharson; Behind the brand-Daddyboard’s Scott McGlashan; Soldiering up the Yukon-Sarah Thornely; Corinth Canal race-Brian Johncey; Tony Bain profile; Dog days in Indonesia-Gareth Grant; Leashes on rivers?-Corran Addison; Lifestyle (obsession)-Tez Plavenieks; Behind the brand-Hypr Hawaii’s Rich Webb; Wings #2-Nick Kingston. More
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