7-6-17 Europe-Polyamide-6-6-Market-by-Manufacturers-Count Haga clic para leer
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Publicado el en “Negocios, Negocios”, Idioma — English. 7 páginas.
Short Deatail About Polyamide 6,6 Market Report : Polyamide 6,6 is a type of polyamide or nylon. It also called nylon 66 or PA 66. Nylon 6,6 is made of two monomers each containing 6 carbon atoms, hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid. The repeat unit of polyamide 66 is C12H... 22O2N2. There is a wide range of nylon 6,6 polymer for use in industrial, textile, and automotive applications. Nylon 6,6 is desirable in many applications due to its outstanding tenacity, elasticity, dye-fastness and high mel Más
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