American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette Volume 41 Issue 4 Haga clic para leer
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American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette

Volume 41 Issue 4

Publicado el en “, Mascotas y Animales”, Idioma — English. 82 páginas.
Artistic Interpretation, Canine Tick Borne Diseases, Why Would Anyone Own These Dogs?, The Fine Art of the Daily Task, Portrait of a Dogman, New Research on Cutting the Cord Too Soon, No Guts, No Glory Series, The He Said, She Said of the 2017 ADBA Convention, Interview with Dogman Hall of Fame, Joe Chan, “When Are We Gonna Pull Again, Daddy”, In Memory, A Tribute to Steal Heart’s G/C XVIII Matthew Ch/Ace Spotlight, Mitigation vs Litigation, Q & A With ADBA, Selections for Vigor, Historical Arti Más
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