Country Music People November 2018 Haga clic para leer
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Country Music People

November 2018

Publicado el en “Música, Música”, Idioma — English. 68 páginas.
Featuring Asleep At The Wheel's Ray Benson on the band's new routes; Stella Parton talks Masterchef, Dolly, and her new album; the young Louisiana traditionalist you need to know about Dustin Sonnier; Canadian legend Ian Tyson; Autin's Eliza gilkyson; and the CMA Songwriters... on tour. We also speak to Kimberly Kelly, Carson McHone and Mason Ramsey. Songwriting advise from Lonnie Ratliff and wait 'til you read Stan Hitchcock's story of Little Jimmy Dickens' cadillac. Plus 20 pages of album reviews Más
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