Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 04 | August 2016 Haga clic para leer
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Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine

Issue 04 | August 2016

Publicado el en “Estilo de vida, Estilo de vida”, Idioma — English. 56 páginas.
Lisa Wamsley is 'Making a Difference One Act of Self-Care at a Time'. Rica Lewis shares how she transformed procrastination with into action steps. Rachel Kieffer writes of one woman's relationship with food, and Kat Tozier concludes her three-part series on power of yoga... . Natasha Botkin takes us “into the woods”, and Kimberley Andrews tells us about her experience with oil of oregano. Eddie Mullins shares his insights and Sherry Lord explains the value of allowing relationships to evolve. Más
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