Southern Writers Magazine Southern Writers_September-October 2018 (2) Haga clic para leer
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Southern Writers Magazine

Southern Writers_September-October 2018 (2)

Publicado el en “Literatura”, Idioma — English. 36 páginas.
DiAnn Mills takes you on a journey.“Ten Things Readers and Writers Need To Know” by Johnnie Bernhard; So You Think You Can Write by Steve Bradshaw; Create Teasers to Market Your Books by Beth Carter; Personality and the Writer by Linda Gilden ; Why I Prefer Nonfiction by... Harriet Hodgson; I Fought the Muse and the Muse Won by Chip R. Bell; What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do by p. m. terrell; Discovering Ancient Truths with Bible Detective Nehemia Gordon; Brainstorming Magic by Peggy Webb Más
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