SUP Mag UK April 2019 issue 20 Haga clic para leer
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April 2019 issue 20

Publicado el en “Consejos, Consejos”, Idioma — English. 101 páginas.
The Maldives: Stand Up For Our Seas by Cal Major Spirit of Hurley-Andy McConkey Interview: Cazz Lander Gibraltar from a SUP board-Tom Cawthorn Five minutes with women-Supjunkie Profile: SUP artist Paddy Martin The GlaGla-Scott ‘Skip’ Innes Behind the brand: Damian Scott of... Neptune GBSUP National Series-Eugenie Verney Minimise the risk: Safety at sea for SUPers Profile: Active 360’s Paul Hyman SUP knowledge: Dare to be different by Tony Bain Gear Shed Más
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