SUP Mag UK April 2020 issue 24 Haga clic para leer
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April 2020 issue 24

Publicado el en “Consejos, Consejos”, Idioma — English. 86 páginas.
Prize draw to win a McConk’s SUP package Interview-Ryan James by Sarah Thornely Morene Dekker’s Amsterdam Profile-Stephan Lefevre of Redwoodpaddle (SUP) Doctor’s note By Rob Wood Maldive’s compact travels By Mark Rose Shannon eco-trip By William Bossman The Lake District SUP and bike by Rachel Towe SUP paradise of Tahiti By Jill Hall The Lady of NYC By Piotr Kadziela and Sarah Thornely Re-discovering Zante By Sophie Math SUP and Monk Seals By Genevieve Leaper Gear Shed Más
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