SUP Mag UK October 2022 issue 35 Haga clic para leer
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October 2022 issue 35

Publicado el en “Consejos, Consejos”, Idioma — English. 101 páginas.
GBSUP-Scott Warren Great green paddle-David Haze Behind the group-Oli Jordan of EOEPS Wild women symposium-Helen Trehoret Guide to Wingsurfing & foiling-Tez Plavenieks Paddling through Pregnancy-Alexandra Tyrer Rough water SUP-Scott Warren #ShePaddles Emma Love with Shilpa Rasaiah & Gemma Palmer‑Dighton GB vs the World-Sarah Thornely Going with the flow-David Partridge Behind the brand-Danny McCullagh of Lyon Watersports Channel crossing-Joe Cartwright Homegrown design-Tom Partington Más
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