Current Pedorthics | September-October 2016 | Vol.48, Issue 5 Cliquez pour lire
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Current Pedorthics

| September-October 2016 | Vol.48, Issue 5

Publié sur dans “”, langue – English. 64 pages.
EDUCATION & RESEARCH ISSUE: 1. Reading Between the Lines- Jeffrey McCormack, C.Ped (C)Tech 2. Risks-Benefit Analysis of Barefoot Weightlifting – An Evidence Based Review- James McGuire DPM, PT, CPed, FAPWHc, Jared Cicero BS 3. A Labor of Love- Joseph Mozena, C.Ped 4. Plantar... Fasciopathy - James McGuire DPM, PT, CPed, FAPWHc, Kamal Farha BS Plus