Paddlefish Tasmania (Kayak-Fish-Dive) Magazine Edition 4 (Winter) Cliquez pour lire
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Paddlefish Tasmania (Kayak-Fish-Dive) Magazine

Edition 4 (Winter)

Publié sur dans “Chasse et Pêche”, langue – English. 68 pages.
Edition 4 (Autumn) brings you nearly 70 pages of fishing, kayaking and diving from around Tasmania and Nationally. Danny Lee writes about how he takes some of the most amazing underwater photo's you will ever see. We take the Kayaks along the Upper Derwent River seeking out not only fish but some wild whitewater action. The tiny tinny gets a run on Arthur's Lake chasing trout and we cover the recent ABT Bream rounds. You can also learn how to paint lures and install a sounder in a kayak. Plus
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