SUP Mag UK June 2019 issue 21 Cliquez pour lire
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June 2019 issue 21

Publié sur dans “Planches, Planches”, langue – English. 101 pages.
Subtle art of balance by Corran Addison Cruising Italy, Slovenia and Croatia by Anja Mörk Paddle Round The Pier with Rob Pelling and Hannah Hampshire Interview - Brian Johncey by Sarah Thornely Avoiding SUP back pain by Elaine Farquharson Prone paddling by Tez Plavenieks Land lubbers in Laos by Mark Rose Mallorca circumnavigation by Phil Plume Coastal living by Tez Plavenieks Photographer profile - Emma Haylock of Shutterbug This is SUP by Michael Lenane Using action cams Gear Shed Plus
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