The Paddler Magazine Issue 77 Early Summer 2024 Cliquez pour lire
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The Paddler Magazine

Issue 77 Early Summer 2024

Publié sur dans “Navigation et aviation, Navigation et aviation”, langue – English. 102 pages.
Height in WW SUP-Jim Miller A chat with… Emily Davies Embrace the chaos-Jamie Greenhalgh Intro children to paddling-Del Read A chat with… Mallory Franklin CK/Mer Symposium-Dimitri Vandepoele Portaging-Dave Janes #ShePaddles Ambassador Meg Eynon Top 5 sea paddles Vohandu Marathon A chat with… Jim Miller The Piatua River-Ian Jones Getting to grips with anxiety-Simon Wyndham The Rotorua region of NZ-Véronique Musumeci The Upper Nile-Cory Jones 6 pages of paddling kit reviews Plus
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