Yogic Herald June2018 Cliquez pour lire
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Yogic Herald


Publié sur dans “Santé & Fitness, Religion et spiritualité”, langue – English. 92 pages.
This issue, get to know about the experiences and yogic journey of Yoga Dance therapist Soraya Franco and Yoga expert Nadine Mcneil from Bali. Philip Hellmich from the Shift Network throws light on his trip to the Himalayas and his meetings with the mystics as the Yoga Day... Summit happens online on June 21 (the International Yoga day). We also bring to you a special feature by Yogi Ishan titled "Spinning the wheel to Bliss" whereas Anandra George shares a beautiful lesson on OM. All this and more Plus
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Étiquettes: yoga · meditation · spirituality · ayurveda
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