Profiles98 Magazine: The Beauty Issue 2014 - Issue 15 15 Clique para ler
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Profiles98 Magazine: The Beauty Issue 2014 - Issue 15


Publicado no e em "Beleza, Local e Regional", idioma — English. 100 páginas.
We open this issue with singer, songwriter, Beauty Ambassador for RiRi and Viva Glam for M.A.C Cosmetic and cover model, Rihanna! Rihanna is known for her music and now also for her beauty. In an exclusive interview with our Fashion Editorial Director, Walter Greene, Rihanna bares it all. Read the entire interview with M.A.C Cosmetic and Rihanna as she shares the reason why she decided to join forces with M.A.C for the Viva Glam campaign and her efforts to join in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Mais
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