Vintage Trailer Magazine Issue 33 Clique para ler
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Vintage Trailer Magazine

Issue 33

Publicado no e em "Estilo de Vida", idioma — English. 52 páginas.
Our 6th birthday issue! Featuring Angela Ross's 1961 Mobile Scout "The Hive" on the cover and inside along with feature stories on Amanda Miller's Custom Teardrop and 1966 Mustang Coupe, Rene Perret's 1955 Aloha, Deirdrea Staneck's 1963 Shasta Airflyte, Stefanie Conrath's 1971 Airstream and a review on the Palm Springs Modernism Week Vintage Trailer Show, our extensive Events Guide, plenty of great restoration and decorating tips and advice and more... Mais
Esta publicação (digital)
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