BlueWeave Consulting Global Automotive Plastic Market Growth Analysis b Кликнуть для чтения
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BlueWeave Consulting

Global Automotive Plastic Market Growth Analysis b

Опубликовано в "Еда и кулинария, Автомобильный", язык - English. 2 страниц.
Global Automotive Plastic market report provides analysis for the period 2013–2025, wherein the period from 2018 to 2025 is the forecast period and 2017 as base year. The market study reveals that the global automotive plastic market is expected to grow with a CAGR over 10% during 2018-2025 in terms of value. The market is expected to reach around USD 59 billion by 2025. This growth is driven by a number of reasons such as, growing demand for light weight vehicles among automotive manufacturers, Еще

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