FIVE:15 The First Nation's Christian Magazine VOL 1 ISSUE 3 Кликнуть для чтения
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FIVE:15 The First Nation's Christian Magazine


Опубликовано в "Религия и духовные практики", язык - English. 30 страниц.
In this issue of FIVE:15 we feature the story of Roland Felix who was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and who today is an active minister of music and the Word of God; we hear from Bro. Levi Goodwin, and his lovely wife Wilma, who recently hosted the first ever... INTERCESSION 2014 All Night Prayer event in Selkirk, MB; and also some powerful testimonies are shared from that event; and a new excerpt from Rise Up My Beloved author, Sonia McLeod. Don't miss this exciting issue of FIVE:15! Еще