ITALIAN: Food Picture Dictionaries

Learn Italian the fun and easy way with the Italian Food Picture Dictionaries! Learn useful vocabulary and the idiomatic expressions that use them, all in the context of Italian culture with useful tidbits on customs and practices.

Vol. 04, Che cosa bolle in pentola
ITALIAN: Food Picture Dictionaries Vol. 04, Che cosa bolle in pentola
Vol. 03, Le verdure e le erbe
ITALIAN: Food Picture Dictionaries Vol. 03, Le verdure e le erbe
Vol. 02, In macelleria e in salumeria
ITALIAN: Food Picture Dictionaries Vol. 02, In macelleria e in salumeria
Vol. 01, In panificio e in pasticceria
ITALIAN: Food Picture Dictionaries Vol. 01, In panificio e in pasticceria