Plonkton Beat the Drum Slowly Кликнуть для чтения
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Beat the Drum Slowly

Опубликовано в "Литература, Литература", язык - English. 66 страниц.
I'm Fabian Pickles, the proprietor of a less-than-fashionable joint called the Speakeasy Club. I live in Plonkton, a town full of nut-cases, bums, drunks, con-men and crooks. My story is about a little fat-ass, know-itall called Marmaduke Twaddle. By a strange twist in fate... , Twaddle almost became England’s answer to Adolph Hitler. Had it not been for a series of blunders, miscalculations and no short measure of gross stupidity we could all have been living in a Nazi state, well, us in Plonkton. Еще
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