GAYPV Puerto Vallarta Ed 15 Summer 2016 Puerto Vallarta GayPV Magazine 点击阅读
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GAYPV Puerto Vallarta

Ed 15 Summer 2016 Puerto Vallarta GayPV Magazine

出版日期 / “同性话题, 同性话题” / 语言—English / 170页
We love and cherish our pet family. In a world where we are often hated, judged and discriminated, our pet family loves us unconditionally. This is a rare, beautiful thing and a great sense of support and purpose for us. We are pleased to present our pet family in this issue. Amamos y nos preocupamos por nuestras mascotas como miembros de nuestra propia familia. En un mundo donde comúnmente somos juzgados y discriminados, nuestras mascotas nos aman incondicionalmente. Esta es una inusual y hermo 更多
标签: gaypv · gaypv15 · gaypvsummer2016

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