RAPPORT, Volume 2, Issue 1 RAPPORT Issue 1 version4FINALSO 点击阅读
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RAPPORT, Volume 2, Issue 1

RAPPORT Issue 1 version4FINALSO

出版日期 / “教育” / 语言—English / 33页
Trent Batson, Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) Eportfolio is a Big Word: The Meta Cognitive Space of Eportfolio Alfredo Gaitán & Diana Pritchard, University of Bedfordshire The potential role of ePortfolios in the Teaching Excellence Framework Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell, Newcastle University Open Badges in Education Andy Hollyhead & Jon Curwin, Birmingham City University, based upon original work with Ruth Lawton Making a difference to employability. 更多