UTD Journal Volume 5 Issue 1, September 2017 点击阅读
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UTD Journal

Volume 5 Issue 1, September 2017

出版日期 / “海洋运动” / 语言—English / 14页
IN THIS ISSUE DO NOT DIVE LIKE THIS GUY, A Blog by UTD Instructor Sasha Karnilovich UTD UNDERWATER VIDEO AND PHOTO STORYTELLING WORKSHOP, A New UTD Class Being Taught Around the World NEW UTD MINI’S, SMB, Backkick, Night, Navigation WHY WE EXPLORE, Video Blogs by Jeff... Seckendorf and Andrew Georgitsis UTD ADVENTURES, China, Tortola UTD TECHNIQUES, The New Tech, Cave, Wreck Classes UTD LEADERSHIP, Become a UTD Instructor or DM 更多