SUP Mag UK June 2023 issue 37 Click to read
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June 2023 issue 37

Published on in “Boards, Boards”, language — English. 102 pages.
SUP in Knoydart-Sarah Thornely Downwind SUP-Tez Plavenieks Iceland SUP-Laken-Louise Hives Behind the company-Ally Findlay of Glasgow Paddleboarders Co A lifelong adventure-Chris Freeman Waterborn 2.0-Crispin Jones Q&As with…Craig Sawyer; Samantha Rutt; Paul Byrne; Brendon Prince; Natasha Sones & James Casey ShePaddles interviews-Emma Love with Cathy Miles & Rebecca Edwards GBSUP reports-Sarah Thornely Paddleboarding for good by Jo Moseley 13 pages of Gear Shed More
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