Asian Geographic Issue 05/2017 (127) Haga clic para leer
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Asian Geographic

Issue 05/2017 (127)

Publicado el en “, Comida y Cocinar”, Idioma — English. 116 páginas.
In this issue, we unpack several health controversies and crises, from MSG to processed foods to the insect food revolution and diabetes. But it’s not all doom and gloom: The region’s varied cuisine is an intangible part of its heritage. We pay homage to the enduring art of... the longevity noodle – handmade and visually evocative. Asia’s food culture is perhaps best summed up through the humble hawker, peddling the sheer diversity of this region’s culinary innovation through their roadside food ca Más
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Etiquetas: health · foods · cuisine · culinary · noodle · insect food · hawker
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