Current Pedorthics | November-December 2015 | Vol.47, Issue 5 Clique para ler
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Current Pedorthics

| November-December 2015 | Vol.47, Issue 5

Publicado no e em ", Saúde & Fitness", idioma — English. 66 páginas.
GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS ISSUE: 1) Reimbursement and Regulation - By Dean Mason 2) When is a potential overpayment identified? - By George Breen 3) PFA's GAC Working For You. - By Randy Stevens 4) How safe is the air you breath? - By Jim McFarland 5) Losing Patients. - By Roni... Pidcock 6) New healthcare expansion in relation Pedorthic services. - By LaToria Howard-Anderson 7) Therapeutic Shoe Bill matters. - By Don Cooper 8) Clinical Assessment for the Cavus Foot - By Roberta Nole Mais