African ChangeMakers Magazine - #ACMagazine #ACMagazine Issue 2, August 2018 Кликнуть для чтения
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African ChangeMakers Magazine - #ACMagazine

#ACMagazine Issue 2, August 2018

Опубликовано в "Бизнес, Общество", язык - English. 30 страниц.
#ACMagazine Issue 2, August 2018. #RebrandingAfrica. Rebranding Africa is a wake-up call for all African people, leadership, public/private organizations and African Diaspora to see and know that there are opportunities in Africa continent. There was an era when the western... world rushed to Africa to empty all her natural resources, human resources, intellect, human dignity and stripe Africa naked of all her natural endowed glory to develop their countries. An integrated Africa is key to Africa s Еще